country goodness and green peanesss
Champion of House Khonjin.
Age 30, Male
Game Developer
Joined on 12/29/05
this is a lot of shit you know that
Thank you i just now see you’re on the best portal for the internet:)
You gotta kerplin.
You have to jerda.
Human must calculate: intrepid spaghetti.
newgrounds is gonna deal in multiplication, and still not feed everyone.
Good god. Kohnjin you gotta do a joke where you get high, and then you order dominos. Without bones.
@BlazingBiscuit What are even trying to say?
@Step2Death dramatic emptiness.
Riddled with english sometimez.
Or is that too fresh for you home dog?
@BlazingBiscuit I still don't get it.
@Step2Death guess you're just gonna have to recognize that the streets of newgrounds just should be walked with a pair of headphones sometimes. cause i'm p
@BlazingBiscuit I found this cat in the garbage.
mr breast please five me money 300,06 i',m pore
speaking facts.
Oh what luck, there’s a french fry stuck in my beard